Is Male Pelvic Pain really different than Female Pelvic Pain? Maybe. Certainly there are differences in anatomy and function. Pelvic pain in men can be caused by prostate problems, with difficulty also seen in starting or maintaining a strong urine stream. If this is what you are experiencing and you haven’t already been screened by an experienced Urologist, please do that. We work closely with the area Urologists, please call us for recommendations if you don’t know where to start. Male pelvic pain also may be related to sensitivity to the nerves through the pelvis – most commonly you may hear it called Pudendal Neuralgia. There are certainly other nerves in the area that may be sensitive, or it could be spasm in the muscles around those nerves (some times you will hear this described as Trigger Points). Nerves are supposed to be sensitive, like when you bang your elbow on a table and hit the ulnar nerve at the “funny bone”. It’s not fun, but it goes away. We can help you get the sensitivity back to normal in the pelvic floor too. How?

  • Nerves need motion, space and good circulation. Muscle spasm or a short/tight pelvic floor will squish the sensitive nerves and the blood supply in the area.
  • Manual therapy and biofeedback techniques (Myofascial Release, Trigger Point work, Neurodynamics, or other techniques as needed) to help you learn to identify, relax, re-education and recondition the pelvic floor and surrounding areas.
  • Smart, mindful exercises and corrective movements to get you back to normal tolerance of sitting, moving, sex and toileting.
  • We will teach you how to do these things for yourself. We want you to get back to normal as fast as you can, and know how to keep yourself comfortable, strong and confident.

Call and schedule an evaluation with Sarah or Sandy. We will work with you to understand the biology and complex changes that happen when a body has been in pain. And we will help you come up with some answers, things you can do to make changes. All treatment is not the same, and your history and lifestyle matter in what the final program will involve.